Supporting Your Unique Adventure

We are excited to explore NSE with you. Our team is comprised of full-time professional and student staff. Each NSE student ambassador is an Iowa State students who has completed an exchange through NSE at unique campuses across the consortium. Each experienced unforgettable adventures and unique classes on their exchange, and they can't wait to connect with you.

Learn More at NSE Info Sessions

During fall and spring semester, to explore any part of the exchange process simply stop by our info sessions in 1080 Hixson-Lied any week day from 12-1pm to meet with a NSE ambassador. Can't make it during those times? No problem. Simply schedule a time to connect.

During summer session and academic breaks, schedule with a NSE coordinator to learn more. 

To schedule an appointment,  

  • Allison Severson

    Allison Severson



  • Lydia Richards

    Lydia Richards



  • Image shows a figure posing against a green background


    NSE Ambassador


  • Image shows a student posing in front of an ocean scene


    NSE Ambassador

  • Image shows a figure posing in front of a rocky coastline with a cloudy background


    NSE Ambassador


We are here to help support you on your exchange adventure.